Everyday Eating for Babies & Children
File Name:Everyday Eating for Babies & Children
Posted By:Judith Wills
Published on 2006 by Collins Harvill
Status : AVAILABLE Last checked: 20 Minutes ago!
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Book Summary
From weaning to school years, this is a clear, accessible and informative guide to feeding your young child and encouraging them to be a healthy, adventurous eater. Most parents would agree that good nutritional habits need to start early. But knowing what to feed children and getting them to actually eat it can be a challenge for even the shrewdest parent. This accessible guide from a nutrition expert helps parents to sort the fact from the fiction, offering sound nutritional advice, practical tips and delicious recipes that won't get left on the table to go cold. Starting from the weaning stage and continuing on to the young child starting school, parents are guided through each stage of childhood nutrition and meals, offering insight into the particular challenges of each stage and lots of fantastic troubleshooting tips. The guide includes: weaning; feeding your toddler; feeding your pre-schooler; feeding your school starter; suitable foods for different age groups; meal planners for each age group; 40 delicious recipes; and A-Z problem solver, including the vegetarian child, coping with faddy eaters, food labelling, school lunches, allergies, and many more key topics. This practical guide will help every parent do the best for their young child.
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